For this weeks blog, I thought why not talk about Twaimz because he's a YouTuber now...right?
Twaimz is popular for an app called "vine". Vine is where you can post 7 second videos and it's basically like any other social media app, but you can only post videos. And thats basically what he was popular for. He currently has 3.3 million followers but he posted two vines of a sunset. The vines said in the comments that he doesn't find any happiness to the app and he wasn't going to continue posting. In the other vine, he said he would be using all the other social medias that he currently has. So you would mainly see him on YouTube.

So yeah..I guess you can call him a YouTuber now. He has a little over a million followers on his YouTube account and made 3 songs on it which were hilarious! Some facts about him is that his actual name is Issa, he was born on May 13, 1995 which means he is 20 years old, has an obsession over llamas, he is Arabic, and he has an older sister. On YouTube, Twaimz really likes to make his viewers laugh by the way he edits and the way he tells his jokes. If you watch one of his videos, then you'll notice that he embarrasses himself and he doesn't really care what others might think of him.
I love llamas, nice blog!